Saturday, April 28, 2007


Yeah, so I totally suck at doing things I set out to do, but hey.........

1. I'm grateful for those people who do stick around.

2. I'm grateful for that whole Taylor Swift incident today.

3. I'm grateful that my kids tell me things most parents don't wanna know. Hell, I don't want to know them sometimes....but, really I do.

4. I'm grateful that Marina always tells me "I love you" before she hangs up.....even if in my blur of a life, I sometimes forget.

5. I'm grateful that I got back in touch with an old friend. It's been way too long.

Friday, April 27, 2007


1. I'm grateful for the bats I saw last night.

2. I'm grateful for dumbass mistakes I make that make me and my best friends laugh.

3. I'm grateful for the backspace button. God, I'm REALLY grateful for that!

4. I'm grateful for heartache that could have been avoided but wasn't, because that's one more experience you have to fall back on.

5. I'm grateful for TV/film writers, song writers, and poets who can put things I feel so much more eloquently and poignantly than me saying "ackkkkkkkkkk this fucking hurts!!!!!!!!!!!".

Saturday, April 21, 2007


1. Days like this.

2. The rain

3. My children

4. Chocolate ice cream

5. Comfortable shoes....finding just the right ones!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Gosh, I really suck at sticking to something for very long, don't I?

1. Grateful for new music!

2. Definitely grateful for the internet!

3. Grateful for days like today, which are totally awesome.

4. Grateful for Derek getting a raise. Now I don't have to feel quite so guilty about not being able to

5. I am totally grateful for my life right now....even the sucky parts.

Monday, April 9, 2007


I figure I better get this over with earlier than I usually try to because today is just not my day for positive thinking.

1. I'm grateful for kids who are smartasses and make me laugh.

2. I'm grateful for friends.

3. I'm grateful for Grey's Anatomy

4. I'm grateful for this stupid blog.

5. I'm grateful for whoever invented the internet....and no, it wasn't Al Gore!

Yeah, that was mostly trivial shit, but hey I could have just avoided it altogether :P.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Yeah, well this day wasn't all that good for me, so I lapsed. So here's my one thing:

I made it through the day

Friday, April 6, 2007


It's been a good day.

1. I'm grateful for honesty.

2. I'm grateful for Roseann

3. I'm grateful for avatars that can say how I feel better than I

4. I'm grateful my kids got home from Stockton safely.

5. I'm grateful for whoever came up with muscle relaxers!